Kiva Hub Success Story: Dashawn Taylor

“Five years ago, I didn’t know anything about lending opportunities or even investors. So, it was mainly always just me–savings, credit card, whatever I knew I could use and make a profit off of myself, I would do.”

A man with a heart for fashion and art, Dashawn Taylor is the proud founder of Brxke Apparel. Launched on October 15, 2015, Brxke (pronounced broke) Apparel is a retail brand in Greensboro, NC that specializes in t-shirts, sweatshirts, outerwear, undergarments, accessories, shoes, and more. While Taylor looks to celebrate seven years as a solo entrepreneur, it was his recent partnership with Carolina Community Impact and Kiva Hub that has ascended his clothing line to new heights. 

Prior to his successful Kiva loan campaign, Taylor solely funded his business through personal financing. He applied for a Kiva loan at the recommendation of CCI partner, Nash Community College Small Business Center director, Tierra Norwood.

“The Kiva loan stuck out to me because it was more so of me putting myself out there, which I already do.” 

For potential Kiva loan applicants, their biggest task is to raise awareness about their loan campaign and generate support from private and public lenders. 

Taylor’s first charge was to get 10 supporters to each contribute $25 to his private loan within 15 days. He raised the funds in four hours. 

“It’s a revolving door that just keeps opening if I put myself out there for it to be done,” Taylor acknowledges. “That was the Kiva loan’s whole process– to make me promote my business, and also to get funding for it. To get people to donate that actually believe in my journey.”

Taylor’s journey to fully fund his campaign was no quick trip to the mall. Due to the agile nature of Kiva’s campaigning schedule, Taylor grew anxious as he reached the midway point with only 19% of his capital raised. He reached out to our Capital Access Manager, Frank Del Villar, or “Mr. Frank”, for guidance. Frank’s advice: just keep posting and putting it out there. 

Four days later, Taylor’s campaign grew to 71% and he would be fully funded by Day 28, two days shy of his deadline. “I kept posting and showing that I cared about it,” Taylor says. 

One of the strategies Taylor most valued was how CCI streamlines the campaign process for loan applicants. Through customizable templates that can be used on social media, email, and text communications, we do the heavy lifting so our business owners don’t have to. 

With his Kiva loan Taylor has expanded his brand immensely; every season he releases at least three or four new items of merchandise. As a solopreneur, he’s also leveled up his business acumen and bottom line and pours that same wisdom back into the community. 

“This is one of the better experiences I’ve had, as far as an outside source,” Taylor acknowledges working with our team. “I’ve always funded my brand and it’s been tough. The Kiva loan process motivated me.”

Nowadays, Taylor’s plate is full. From speaking engagements at local schools, to planning a fashion show this summer, the work of the Brxke Apparel founder is never done. Taylor looks to one day soon open his own brick-and-mortar store in addition to his current online shop. 

Dashawn Taylor may be far from the fire station, but he’s still making a mark wherever he goes. His advice to fellow entrepreneurs: 

“Don’t quit. Because it’s easy to give up. It’s easy to say, ‘well, it’s not going to work out so, I’m not going to do this.’ It’s easy to push the plate to the side. But when that plate gets full sometimes you have to pace yourself but you got to eat especially if you want it. Don’t give up, keep going.”

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